Beiträge: 140
| Ich verwende dafür folgende Funktion :
'Verschachtelte Verzeichnisse erstellen
Public Function MakePath(ByVal spath As String, Optional ByVal ShowMsg As Variant) As Boolean
Dim Antwort As Integer
Dim dummy As String
If IsMissing(ShowMsg) Then ShowMsg = False
Antwort = 0: Err = 0
dummy = ""
On Local Error Resume Next
While Len(spath) > 0 And Antwort = 0
If Left$(spath, 2) = "\\" Then
dummy = dummy + "\\"
spath = Mid$(spath, 3)
ElseIf Left$(spath, 1) = "\" Then
dummy = dummy + "\"
spath = Mid$(spath, 2)
ElseIf Mid$(spath, 2, 2) = ":\" Then
dummy = dummy + Left$(spath, 3)
spath = Mid$(spath, 4)
End If
While Left$(spath, 1) <> "\" And Len(spath) > 0
dummy = dummy + Left$(spath, 1)
spath = Mid$(spath, 2)
Err = 0
MkDir dummy
If Err <> 75 And Err <> 0 Then
If ShowMsg Then
Antwort = MsgBox("Fehler beim Erstellen des Verzeichnisses!" + vbCrLf + 48, "Fehler")
Antwort = 1
End If
End If
On Local Error GoTo 0
MakePath = (Antwort = 0)
End Function
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