Catalog for the professional Access application | ||
Version 1.01 (2014-05-24) by Karl Donaubauer ![]() ![]() |
What makes an Access application professional? Due to the diversity of requirements and styles there's no downright evidence but indications or best practices. Formally this is not another manual but a checklist of keywords with references that requires fundamental knowledge. On the one hand it may serve as a reference for self-assessment of your own projects and for assessment by technically informed third parties (colleagues, customers, assessors). On the other hand it provides guidelines for the work of single developers and the cooperation in teams. At the AEK15 (15th German Access Developers Conference, Oct 2012) I introduced a draft, discussed it with 200 colleagues and collected their feedback in a questionnaire. The list and links will be updated after further discussions, technology changes etc. |
1. Database | 2. Application | 3. Programming |
1.1 Normalization | 2.1 Frontend and backend | 3.1 VBA precedes macros |
1.2 Primary keys | 2.2 Naming | 3.2 Naming |
1.3 Indexing | 2.3 Versioning | 3.3 Declared variables |
1.4 Relationships and RI | 2.4 Ergonomics | 3.4 References |
1.5 Naming | 2.5 Dedicated user interface | 3.5 SQL precedes DAO/ADO |
1.6 Optimized queries | 2.6 Performance measures | 3.6 Error handling |
1.7 Optimized work with ODBC backend | 2.7 Compact | 3.7 Comments |
2.8 Dead objects | 3.8 Formatting | |
1. Database | ||
1.1 Normalization Normal forms 0 to 3 are maintained at least. 0 = no calculations get saved reason: data consistency |
Primary keys Every table has a primary key. reason: identification at every opportunity, updatability |
Indexing Every table is adequately indexed. - index on every field and combination of fields
that is used for joins, filters, sorts
reason: performance |
1.4 Relationships and RI
- relationships between tables are applied reason: data consistency, overview, verification of table design |
1.5 Naming regarding tables, queries, fields, columns, aliases: - no SQL/VBA/Access keywords in user defined
names positive list i.e. acceptable/reasonable: A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, underscore
maintainability, error prevention resources: Allen Browne's list of reserved words |
Optimized queries
- indexes are used wherever possible reason: performance |
Optimized work with ODBC backend
- performance critical queries are located/executed
on the server
- ODBC queries are not locally executed
by JET/ACE reason: performance |
2. Application | ||
Frontend and backend The application is separated in frontend and backend.
- tables are in the backend (or
several backends), everything else is in the frontend reason: avoid file corruption and data corruption, efficient maintainance of the frontends, reduced network traffic |
2.2 Naming regarding Access objects, controls: - no Access/VBA/SQL keywords in user defined
names positive list i.e. acceptable/reasonable: A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, underscore
maintainability, error prevention resources: Allen Browne's list of reserved words |
2.3 Versioning The application has a versioning system that makes it possible for the developer and the user to distinguish different releases.
- minimum requirement:
major and minor version numbers for the frontend reason: maintainability resources: Wikipedia - Software versioning |
2.4 Ergonomics ISO 9241 on software ergonomics is fundamentally met:
- suitability for the task resources: Wikipedia - ISO 9241 |
2.5 Dedicated user interface
the user always works in a user interface
specifically taylored for him:
reason: user friendliness, stability |
2.6 Performance measures
Important and well known performance measures are
resources: performance websites of
FMS and
Tony Toews |
2.7 Compact
JET/ACE backends are compacted on a
regular basis. Frontends are compacted or exchanged at
least once in a while.
object and data garbage gets eliminated, tables defragmented, query
statistics updated
resources: Microsoft Jet Database Engine Programmer's Guide - Chapter 4 |
2.8 Dead objects
- obects that are no more used are deleted
reason: maintainability |
3. Programming | ||
VBA precedes macros
- VBA takes precedence
reason: superior scope of services, flexibility,
efficiency of VBA |
3.2 Naming regarding procedures, variables, constants: - no VBA/Access/SQL keywords in user defined
names positive list i.e. acceptable/reasonable: A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, underscore reason: maintainability, error prevention Info: Allen Browne's list of reserved words, Reddick naming conventions |
3.3 Declared variables
all variables are declared with their data type reason: maintainability, error prevention |
3.4. References References are restricted to those really used in the application. reason: error prevention, performance |
3.5 SQL precedes DAO/ADO Queries/SQL is used for data operations except programming with DAO/ADO is really necessary, e.g. for loops with intermediate storage or calculations etc. reason: performance of mass operations, locks by recordsets, error prevention – code is potentially error-prone |
3.6 Error handling
sufficient error handling is done reason: stability, user friendliness ressources: MZ-Tools, vbWatchdog |
code is sufficiently commented reason: maintainability |
3.8 Formatting
code is formatted to be reader-friendly reason: maintainability |